Bengaluru, India
Here is a call to every CAD development company in India working on .dwg software development. If you have developed for AutoCAD in the past, we invite you to consider developing the same on BricsCAD first, test it, debug it, fine-tune it and then cut a build for AutoCAD et al.
And why? Simply because it does not cost you anything to become an authorized BricsCAD developer, unlike a well-known company that charges you to be part of the Developer Network. There are hundreds of third-party developers in India who create Lisp, .NET and ARX applications for AutoCAD every day. Many of them are legacy systems which are in use for 20+ years. These are our own home-grown Made-In-India applications that have a niche market in the geographies they operate.
So, here is my pitch to you: Develop your .dwg CAD application using a legal developer license of BricsCAD, till the last stage when it is ready for roll-out. Create a build for BricsCAD and do the same for AutoCAD. We can guarantee that you will cut down your development time & cost by a significant amount. And how?
- BricsCAD starts significantly faster than AutoCAD. In a repetitive start-exit-restart debug environment, this is a great time-saver.
- BricsCAD offers 100% compatible APIs, compared with AutoCAD. This applies even to extensions like Visual Lisp, COM support, Express Tools Lisp and advanced BRX API for 3d modeling.
- BricsCAD support Microsoft Visual Studio for .NET and C++, and offers BLADE integrated IDE for Lisp development, at par with the tools AutoCAD uses.
- And finally, BricsCAD does not stop where AutoCAD API ends. A vast number of additional APIs available in BricsCAD-only is also available in AutoCAD via an emulator.
This is where BricsCAD stops being a catch-up animal and starts being a leader in .dwg API evolution.We are at the cusp of a breakout. The APIs in BricsCAD are growing at a phenomenal pace and soon it will be incumbent upon the competition to catch up with us.
At the moment, we have a good number of reputed CAD companies in India doing their entire development on BricsCAD. They work back-end for large overseas partners and parent companies from the US, Japan, Sweden and other countries. Now is the time home-grown Indian CAD software vendors must consider the switch to BricsCAD, as a development platform.
At DesignSense, we are a solutions development company first and a SalesPoint for BricsCAD after that. This has given us the unique advantage to wear multiple shoes and experience the market first hand from different perspective. We have built successfully a number of complex software for Tool Design (DS Tools), general productivity(CADPower), geographic data processing (GeoTools), Mining & Geology, cloud connectivity and many more.
Our development center in Bengaluru does 99% of the GeoTools & CADPower development on BricsCAD. At the very end, an automated instruction cuts the AutoCAD build of our products on a remote client computer running AutoCAD, a resource we don't even own. No AutoCADs in our office, yet our solutions run on them, are fully compatible and any new build runs without a glitch 9 out of 10 times.
Own a development license or developer status of BricsCAD, and you can design, test, debug and create 99% of your AutoCAD application, right here in BricsCAD and use AutoCAD only for that last-bit: to create a build out of it: a .FAS, a .VLX, a .ARX or .NET application.
BricsCAD today offers the highest level of compatibility with AutoCAD APIs. You have Lisp, and Visual Lisp, inclduing the BLADE editor to rival VLIDE. You have .NET and ARX APIs which are identically compatible.
The BricsCAD Developer program is free and even entitles you to attend the Developer conference every year absolutely FREE. You even have direct access to BricsCAD core staff and developers who can fast-track your development cycle and advise you from a platform neutral stand-point.
Here is the screen grab from the Bricsys web-site. Click on it and get started.
Want to know more about DesignSense, BricsCAD?
- CADPower V18 for BricsCAD: EXE (-or-) ZIP (Linux/Mac compatible)
- CADPower V18 for AutoCAD: EXE (-or-) ZIP
- GeoTools V18 for BricsCAD: EXE (-or-) ZIP (Linux/Mac compatible)
- GeoTools V18 for AutoCAD: EXE (-or-) ZIP
- BricsCAD V18: Trial download
- BricsCAD V18 Shape: Trial download
- BricsCAD Communicator V18: Trial download
Key Contacts: rakesh.rao(at) / +91-9243438300 / +91-8073279755
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Discover BricsCAD, GeoTools for AutoCAD & BricsCAD, CADPower for AutoCAD & BricsCAD, Free Lisp @ TechCenter
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