We have updated our GeoTools & CADPower software to be compatible on BricsCAD V18 now.
If you want to use GeoTools and CADPower on BricsCAD V18, you need version 18.13 or later of GeoTools & CADPower.
The new updated version was released few days back and is now available for download.
Other fixes and improvements in V 18.13
CADPower V 18.13 Update
** Enhancement: CP_LINPOLY (CADPower -> Polyline Tools -> Others -> Draw linear polylines from arced polylines):
Output control has been added to the CP_LINPOLY command. It is now possible to create the output in a specific layer / source layer and also optionally delete the source polylines if required.
** Enhancement/fix: CP_CRASHREPORTMGR (Menu: BricsCAD+ -> Support -> CrashReport Manager):
The CP_CRASHREPORTMGR was not auto-detecting the existing crash report file correctly. You needed to manually browse to the crash report file. This has been fixed now and the most recent crash report file is now detected and offered as a default that can be accessed from the command immediately.
** Bug fix: CP_CGRID (CADPower -> Draw -> Geometry -> Construction Grid):
The CP_CGRID command was crashing mid-way during the processing due to a regression bug introduced a few updates earlier in V18. This has been fixed now.
** Bug fix: CP_DYNATTPLACE (CADPower -> Blocks -> Place Block - position attributes interactively): The CP_DYNATTPLACE command would crash when first started in CADPower. It would work only after any other CADPower command was initialized. This has been fixed now.
GeoTools V 18.13 Update
** Enhancement: CP_LINPOLY (GeoTools -> Polyline Tools -> Create/Edit -> Draw linear polylines from arced polylines):
Output control has been added to the GT_LINPOLY command. It is now possible to create the output in a specific layer / source layer and also optinally delete the source polylines if required.
** Bug fix: GT_CROSSSECT (GeoTools -> Civil Tools -> Multiple Cross Section Tools):
The GT_CROSSSECT command was crashing mid-way during the processing (after the first profile was created) due to a regression bug introduced a few updates earlier in V18. This has been fixed now.
Download GeoTools V18 for AutoCAD: English, Spanish, German, PortugueseBR
Download GeoTools V18 for BricsCAD: English, Spanish, German, PortugueseBR
Download CADPower V18 for AutoCAD: English, Spanish, German, PortugueseBR
Download CADPower V18 for BricsCAD: English, Spanish, German, PortugueseBR
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