Bengaluru, India
Mr. N.M.Pakutharivu, Managing Director of RAP Technologies, addressing students & faculty @ RECT Polytechnic workshop
Bricsys India, led by Designsense and its resellers have begun reaching out to educational institutions and engineering colleges in India with the message of BricsCAD, CADPower, DSTools and GeoTools to provide affordable & comprehensive productivity design software. The focus is not on introducing just another .dwg CAD platform, but to provide skill-sets to engineering college & vocational training institute students that would help them understand design perspectives from an industry stand-point and learn new techniques and skills to complete CAD procedures and tasks.
Bricsys India Distributor, Designsense is a global software products development company and RAP Technologies is one of the leading software services exporter and customized application development companies in India. With the rich experience under our belt, we are in a position to leverage our skills & experience and deliver BricsCAD-based solutions much better to academia as well as industry.
The first of such workshops was conducted by our Puducherry reseller, RAP Technologies at RECT Polytechnic College, South Vijayanarayanam, Tirunelveli District on February 25th, 2017.
RECT Polytechnic College was founded in the year 2010 with a goal to provide higher education in the field of engineering and generating gainful employment opportunities for the rural population. Located in the heart of the hinterland of southern Tamil Nadu, dotted with numerous small and medium (SME) as well as large scale industries, colleges like RECT Polytechnic fill in the crucial requirement of providing qualified and skilled workforce that is equipped with industry domain and software skills equally.
Today, students have heard about AutoCAD (R), the drafting-turned-design software and Solidworks/SolidEdge as a high-end 3d modelers. Many colleges do not have appropriate hardware to run these resource hungry software. Students do not have the ability to install it on their entry-level laptops or a Linux workstation, that is often equipped with no more the 2GB of RAM. It is here we present BricsCAD as the software for the mass market, where industries with tight budgets can use if affordably and the common students of rural Indian engineering colleges for free.
Designsense and RAP Technologies are greatly obliged to Mr. R. Muthiah Pillai, Chairman of the college for providing this opportunity to conduct the workshop to the Mechanical and Civil engineering students and their faculties. BricsCAD V17 was installed on 30 computers for the workshop.
The students listening to the presentations
The students were made aware of BricsCAD as a .dwg platform that offered compatible, yet innovative and different features to industry-standard AutoCAD (R). The BricsCAD features like Working sets, Settings, Drawing explorer, QUAD, BIM, Sheet metal, Direct modeling, 2D and 3D constraints, Assembly modeling, BOM, Drawing generation & Communicator was covered during the technical sessions.
Mr. Kural Arasan addressing the students with the "How to be a productively skilled engineer? Powered by BricsCAD"
The students learnt something new : BricsCAD as a learning tool, that enables them to think design. During the Q&A session, students interacted with RAP Technologies founder Mr. N.M. Pakutharivu as well as the support staff, Mr. Kural Arasan.
Concluding message: If you are a student or a faculty from an engineering college and want to offer our BricsCAD-based academic package of industry solutions for your students, do get in touch with us!
Email: [email protected] or call +91-9243438300
Download GeoTools V17 for AutoCAD: English, Spanish, German, PortugueseBR
Download GeoTools V17 for BricsCAD: English, Spanish, German, PortugueseBR
Download CADPower V17 for AutoCAD: English, Spanish, German, PortugueseBR
Download CADPower V17 for BricsCAD: English, Spanish, German, PortugueseBR
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