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September 23, 2016


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Sai Srinivas

I have a situation where I have pointblocks with attribute tags as PTNUM, DESC, ELEV. I want to join all points having same DESC value in increasing order of PTNUM value. Is it possible with this?

Rakesh Rao

Yes, this is possible. Exactly the same thing has been described in this blog post. Let me know how I can help.

Video link:
CP_CONNECTBLOCKS: CADPower Connect blocks based on attribute values

Rakesh Rao

Upon reading closely, I see that you have a requirement that may probably need a 2-stage operation. First, select all the blocks whose DESC attribute matches your requirement. You can do this using the CP_ATTEDIT (or GT_ATTEDIT) command. Pipe the results of this command as input to your CP_CONNECTBLOCKS command.,

Sai Srinivas

Selected points are deselected automatically after entering cp_connectblocks command so again it asks to select objects.
I was able to select blocks with certain DESC using plugin SELECTBLOCKS from Autodesk store unable to select those pts from CP_ATTEDIT. I think this is possible if I convert those points(DESC as x) with a different block name.

Rakesh Rao

When it asks "Select objects" just respond with a "P" to access and process the previous selection set. This should help you get over your roadblock.
You can connect with me on Skype rakesh_rao2000 for instant chat.

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