Bengaluru, India
GeoTools V 15.20 Update
GeoTools V 15.20 released today takes a significant leap forward in being able to provide bi-directional data exchange with Google Earth. This makes it possible for plain vanilla AutoCAD and BricsCAD users to import/export KML/KMZ vector data as well as a geo-referenced imagery from Google Earth using GeoTools.
Here is a summary of new features:
New command added: GT_KML2DWG (GeoTools -> Geographic -> KML2DWG (Google Earth KML/Z Import):
Draw in Google Earth using Point (Placemark), Line or Polygon feature tool
Import the KML/Z file into AutoCAD or BricsCAD as vector data with labels.
The GT_KML2DWG command reads a Google KML/KMZ file and imports the point, line and polygon features in CAD.
New command added: GT_GEIMPORTIMAGE: (GeoTools -> Geographic -> GEIMPORTIMAGE [Google Earth Image Import]): The GT_GEIMPORTIMAGE command is a process tool to capture a view window in Google Earth and import the same into CAD. It is a semi-automatic assisted procedure that involves using Google Earth commands & operations in an exact step-by-step procedure and attach the current Google Earth view in CAD using geo-referenced coordinates.
The command relies on the ability of Google Earth to extract the cursor coordinates into clipboard memory. You are asked to zoom to the area of interest and position the cursor at the lower left and upper right coordinates as accurately as you can.
The coordinates are captured in clipboard and accessed by CAD. You are then asked to save the image in Google Earth and the same is attached in CAD using the correct geo-referenced coordinates.
This can result in an image extract that is 99% accurate at typical scales at which users want to view terrain data in CAD.
This is the typical conversation (see below) between your CAD and Google Earth.
Existing command update: GT_DWG2KML : GeoTools -> Geographic -> DWG2KML (Google Earth KML/Z Export): We introduced the GT_DWG2KML command in 2013 in GeoTools V14. The tools has come a long way and now supports export of DWG data in any cordinate system, with embedded data / images etc. More info, here.
GML Import tools enhanced
In a related enhancement of another tool, GeoTools V 15.20 also significantly improved the GML import tool to enable businesses working with large GML data.
An update on the tools to read GML files in GeoTools.
Background: GML (Geography Markup Language) files are a variant of the KML file and is a format defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium.
GML files are usually large, running into several hundreds of megabytes or even more. GeoTools provides two commands to process and import them.
GT_READGMLFEATURES: (GeoTools -> Export -> Import a single GML feature from file): Performance improvement message added in GT_READGMLFEATURES command: The GT_READGMLFEATURES command now has an additional option at the beginning which allows you to disable the UNDO log and AUTOSAVE feature. This can reduce disk-swapping and improve improve overall performance while working with very large files.
A GML data of a town in Netherlands imported in BricsCAD using GeoTools
GT_EXTRACTGMLFEATURES : (GeoTools -> Export -> Extract individual GML features from GML file): The GT_EXTRACTGMLFEATURES command now has an additional option to create indicidual feature GML files in their own sub-folder. Earlier, all feature-wise extracted files from the master GML would go into one single folder. The ability to store their in their sub-folders make file management easier.
General Enhancement: GT_GENSET: (CADPower -> Settings): The GT_GENSET command has been enhanced.
Two new options have been added which will be implemented gradually through the software. The first one is called 'Beep on Error'. This setting allows a beep sound to be generated each time CADPower encounters an error. The default is 'No Beep' and the function remains dsiabled unless you explicitly set it on and select a beep sound from one of six different beep tones.
The second new option is 'Enable voice mode for important messages/errors'. Checking this option activates Windows speech tools to speak out the important prompts, messages or error notifications. This tool may be useful for those experiencing difficulties to read prompts on the command line or for those using the latest version of AutoCAD which makes it very difficult to read command-line prompts anyway.
CADPower-GeoTools Direct downloads:
Download CADPower V15 for AutoCAD: English, Spanish, German
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Download GeoTools V15 for AutoCAD: English, Spanish, German
Download GeoTools V15 for BricsCAD: English, Spanish, German
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