Bangalore, India
CADPower V14.29
Enhancement: The FR, ON, OF, LO and TH short-cut commands that are used to control layer settings now allow you to select multiple objects in the selection. Earlier, it was only possible to select one object and the layer of that object would be turned on/off, frozen or thawed. Now, it is possible to respond with a . character in response to the layer names, and CADPower will present the "Select objects" prompt. This will enable you to select multiple objects and all the layers of these objects will be subjected to the command in operation.
Fixes: The CP_CONS_TXT command was crashing upon start. This has now been fixed.
Change/fix: The automatic loading of toolbars during startup of CADPower and GeoTools has been diabled. The feedback we got was that this was annoying and must be removed.
CADPower V14.30
Important Enhancement: All CADPower dialog boxes that ask for generic multiple selection (like layers, block etc) now has a new item called 'Filter' which allows wildcard filtering. This makes it much easier to select from large lists.
Fixes: CP_SL (CADPower -> Selection -> Select current Layer): This command was crashing. It has now been fixed.
Fixes: CP_DIMPREC (BricsCAD+ -> Change Dimension Precision): This command was not working. It has now been fixed. (BricsCAD only)
GeoTools V14.29
Change/fix: The automatic loading of toolbars during startup of CADPower and GeoTools has been disabled. The feedback we got was that this was annoying and must be removed.
Enhancement: GeoTools -> Drawing Cleanup -> Weed points based on spacing (GT_POINTWEED): This command now reports the number of points deleted during the weed process, giving a clearer message to the user.
Bug fix: GeoTools -> Export -> Import/Export points and lines (GT_IMPEX): This command had a bug resulting in incomplete and wrong processing during import if the description field contained leading or trailing sapces. This has now been fixed.
GeoTools V14.30
New command added: GT_SLOPEDISPLAY (GeoTools -> Civil Tools -> Color-coded slope display of TIN faces): The GT_SLOPEDISPLAY command can be used to create slope maps. Select TIN triangles and color-code them as per their slope. A complete range of slope ranges in percentage and their colors can be specified.
New command added: GT_FINDSLOPE (GeoTools -> Civil Tools -> Find slope of a single 3dface or 3dpolyline): If you want to query the slope of a single 3dface or 3dpolyline, this is the tool to use. The slope in percetnage is displayed on the command line.
Enhancement: All GeoTools dialog boxes that ask for generic multiple selection (like layers, block etc) now has a new item called 'Filter' which allows wildcard filtering. This makes it much easier to select from large lists.
Enhancement: GT_BREAKX (GeoTools -> Drawing Cleanup -> Break crossing objects at ends): This command now accepts line objects as input, in addition to polylines.
*** Direct download URLs:
GeoTools for AutoCAD: English, German, Spanish
CADPower for AutoCAD: English, German, Spanish
GeoTools for BricsCAD: English, German, Spanish
CADPower for BricsCAD: English, German, Spanish
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