Bangalore, India
We are in the process of a major fine-tuning of the minute details of GeoTools & CADPower since the past 8-10 weeks. A number of maintenance releases since V 14.04 have been delivering these fixes and improvements to improve the overall user experience. Here is a summary:
CADPower V 14.10 update
We have updated the CADPower tutorials completely in V 14.10, to reflect the current UI, menus and options.
We present a completely new set of 11 tutorials that take you through a guided step-by-step instruction of over 32 CADPower tools.
Lesson 1 - Polyline and Annotation Tools: (Learn about CP_CH2D3D, CP_XV and CP_VXLABEL commands)
Lesson 2 - Polyline Editing and Build Tools: (Learn about CP_3DJOIN, CP_3DOFFSET, CP_PL_STAT commands)
Lesson 3 - Block and Conversion Tools (Learn about CP_CREATECENTROID, CP_P2BLKSHP, CP_BLOCKINS and CP_MATCH commands)
Lesson 4 - Text Tools (Learn about CP_TORIENT, CP_MODTXT and CP_TXTEDIT commands)
Lesson 5 - Inquiry Tools (Learn about CP_CALCAREA, CP_LAYERAREA and CP_DWG_STAT commands)
Lesson 6 - Annotation Tools (Learn about CP_IDXYZ, CP_SEGABEL and CP_ANNOTATEENDS)
Lesson 7 - Conversion Tools (Learn about CP_PL2SPL and CP_SPL2PL commands)
Lesson 8 - Polyline, Block and Text Tools (Learn about CP_PL_PLACE, CP_REPBLK and CP_TC commands)
Lesson 9 - Block Tools for Exporting and Editing Attributes (Learn about CP_ATTEXT, CP_TAGEXT and CP_ATTEDIT commands)
Lesson 10 - Block / Attributes Editing and Modifying Tools (Learn about CP_TAGREN, CP_CONNECTBLOCKS and CP_XP_ATT commands)
Lesson 11 - Text Tools (Learn about CP_UND_LINE, CP_CHCASE and CP_DATESTAMP commands)
We recommend new as well as veteran users of CADPower to go through the tutorials and gain a complete understanding of the tools.
Other fixes in V 14.10:
Bug fix: CP_CONNECTBOCKS: 'CADPower -> Blocks -> Block Related -> Connect bocks based on attribute values': If the attribute tag name was incorrectly specified, the command would crash. This has been fixed now. Additionally, you can specify multiple attribute tag names separated by commas. This means that you can now connect multiple attribute names across blocks using this command.
Bug fix: 'CADPower -> Text -> Conversion -> Change Case': The CP_CHCASE command was not converting 'Title Case' and under-lined text correctly. This has been fixed now.
Enhancement: CP_CONS_TXT : CADPower -> Text -> Editing -> Consolidate text into Mtext: The CP_CONS_TXT command now gives you an option to delete the original text objects after consolidatng the same into a MTEXT object.
Fixes in GeoTools/CADPower V 14.08 & 14.09:
Yet another maintenance patch that delivers many minor improvements. Our goal is to ensure that commands behave consistently and predictably.
The first step is to ensure that all commands 'remember' their settings and restore them in the next CAD session. This was already happening with many of the commands (especially older ones) but not with many newer commands. It is our goal to bring about 100% data persistency ensuring that all operating parameters are restored to last used value in the next session of CAD.
Enhancement: The 'GeoTools->Annotation->Label contour polylines' GT_CONTLABEL command now has additional position options for text placement. You can now position text above or below the contour line, along or perpendicular, upright or aligned. All the text options available in the GT_SEGLABEL command are now available in GT_CONTLABEL also.
GeoTools & CADPower V14.04 update:
New command added: CP_CHECKUPDATES (CADPower -> More options -> Check for updates): The CP_CHECKUPDATES command checks our web-site for newer versions of CADPower that may be available.
New command added: CP_DEBUGINFO (CADPower -> More options -> DebugInfo): The CP_DEBUGINFO command lists some key license info that is essential in the running of CADPower software. It lists the computer appkeys, license file location and appkeys from the license file, validity etc.
New command added: GT_CHECKUPDATES (GeoTools -> More options -> Check for updates): The GT_CHECKUPDATES command checks our web-site for newer versions of GeoTools that may be available.
New command added: (GeoTools -> More options -> DebugInfo): The GT_DEBUGINFO command lists some key license info that is essential in the running of GeoTools software. It lists the computer appkeys, license file location and appkeys from the license file, validity etc.
New command added: CP_DIMRPREC (CADPower -> Miscellaneous -> CAD procedures -> Change Dimension precision): The CP_DIMPREC command can be used to change the linear precision of selected dimension objects.
CP_DYNATTPLACE (CADPower -> Block Tools -> Place blocks - position attributes interactively): This command was broken and has been fixed.
CP_TXTEVAL (CADPower -> Text -> Display -> Apply arithmetic/statistical operations on text objects): This command was broken and has been fixed.
CP_TXT2ATTDEF (CADPower -> Text -> Conversion -> Convert text strings to attribute definitions): This command was broken and has been fixed.
(geo) (GeoTools -> Miscellaneous Tools -> Enter geographical coordinates-Latitude,Longitude,Height): This command was broken and has been fixed.
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