Bangalore, India
What's New in GeoTools V14
The new Geographic menu in GeoTools adds a number of geographic functions.
GT_COORDTRAN: This provides Coordinate Conversion from one system to another, on the lines of what is possible in software like AutoCAD Map. Know More...
GT_DWG2KML: KML and KMZ files are becoming increasingly popular for use in Google Maps and Google Earth. This command helps you export your CAD data to KML. Know More...
GT_DWG2KML_BATCH1F: This is a batch process, command-line version of the KML export program, which allows a single feature export.
GT_DWG2KML_BATCHMULTF: This is a batch process, command-line version of the KML export program, which handles multiple feature export.
GT_INSPHOTO: With the ability to tag photos geographically using smart phones, cameras and tablets, we had users asking for geo-tagged photos to be geo-referenced and imported into CAD. GeoTools now has this ability. Know More...
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