Bangalore, India
V 13.06 of GeoTools/CADPower released yesterday packs a number of useful enhancements, fixes and a completely new command.
** New command added: GT_XD2OD (GeoTools -> AutoCAD Map Tools -> Convert Xdata to Object Data [generic tool]) : The GT_XD2OD command is yet another generic data conversion tool in GeoTools/CADPower. Using this, you can convert extended entity data to AutoCAD Map object data.
To make it easy for you to understand and try this feature, here is a sample drawing Sortedpoly.DWG with which you can try this command .
Here is an example of XDATA record structure from the sample DWG comprising of 33 records from a GPS data logging device.
(-3 ("GPS_BLOCK"
(1000 . "Tunis to Tarheel")
(1000 . "11/13/01")
(1000 . "03:42:46pm")
(1040 . 48.0)
(1070 . 0)
(1000 . "bxr101")
(1040 . 12.0)
(1000 . "Synergy")
(1040 . 0.312)
(1000 . "X42")
(1000 . "Steel")
(1000 . "")
(1040 . 2.9)
(1000 . "Differential")
(1000 . "Pro XR")
(1000 . "11/13/01")
(1000 . "04:42:46pm")
(1000 . "New")
(1000 . "Weld")
(1000 . "R1112SE1.cor")
(1000 . "7")
(1000 . "7")
(1000 . "ENCNG Transmission")
(1070 . 1140)
(1040 . 247379.0)
(1000 . " ")
(1040 . 0.0)
(1040 . 0.452)
(1040 . 9.1e-005)
(1040 . 955479.0)
(1040 . 2.60323e+006)
(1070 . 74)
Notice that all XDATA is stored in codes. Some of the common codes used like 1000 & 1001 are string codes, 1040 is a floating point value and 1070 is an integer.
We need to transfer this info into object data. So, we create a object table to hold this information and its structure looks like this (see below).
("DEPTH" "DEPTH" "Real" 0.0)
("COATING" "COATING" "Character" "")
("GRADE" "GRADE" "Character" "")
("MATERIAL" "MATERIAL" "Character" "")
("COMMENTS" "COMMENTS" "Character" "")
("MAX_PDOP" "MAX_PDOP" "Real" 0.0)
("CORR_TYPE" "CORR_TYPE" "Character" "")
("RCVR_TYPE" "RCVR_TYPE" "Character" "")
("GPS_DATE" "GPS_DATE" "Character" "")
("GPS_TIME" "GPS_TIME" "Character" "")
("FEAT_NAME" "FEAT_NAME" "Character" "")
("DATAFILE" "DATAFILE" "Character" "")
("UNFILT_POS" "UNFILT_POS" "Character" "")
("FILT_POS" "FILT_POS" "Character" "")
("GPS_WEEK" "GPS_WEEK" " "Integer" 0)
("GPS_SECOND" "GPS_SECOND" "Real" 0.0)
("GPS_HEIGHT" "GPS_HEIGHT" "Character" "")
("VERT_PREC" "VERT_PREC" "Real" 0.0)
("HORZ_PREC" "HORZ_PREC" "Real" 0.0)
("STD_DEV" "STD_DEV" "Character" "")
("NORTHING" "NORTHING" "Real" 0.0)
("EASTING" "EASTING" "Real" 0.0)
("POINT_ID" "POINT_ID" "Integer" 0)
Since XDATA is not stored as a table with a field structure, it is necessary to specify the xdata in terms of the xdata codes (100,1040 etc) and the position (occurence) of the code from the start of the XRECORD.
If you want to transfer the XDATA item "Time Collected" to object data, it must be specified as the 3rd occurence of the 1000 field.
In other words, you choose the XDATA code as 1000 and the occurence as 3. After that, you specify the object table and the field to which this must be mapped.
Once you have setup all such mapping between the xdata records and the object data, the program will transfer the xdata to object data accordingly from all selected objects as long as the correct expected structure is mainatained in all the objects.
Please be aware that the type of the XDATA field must match the type of the object data field for the transfer map to be valid and successful. For example, character XDATA codes 1000 and 1001 can be linked to character object fields only, 1040 can link to floating point field only and 1070 can link to integer data field only.
** Installation improvements while using GeoTools and CADPower together on one computer.
From V 13.06 onwards, you no longer have to fiddle around with the acad.lsp or acaddoc.lsp (for AutoCAD) or the 'on_doc_start.lsp' (for Bricscad) to ensure that both GeoTools and CADPower run together successfully on the same computer.
In one of my earlier post, I showed you a bit of fiddling around that was earlier necessary to ensure that both these software ran together without problems. This fiddling bit is now handled by the program internally and automatically.
So, you DON'T need to do any more all that these posts tell you to:
** Enhanced command: GT_3DOFFSET (GeoTools -> Build -> Offset 3d polylines): & CP_3DOFFSET (CADPower -> Build -> Offset -> Offset 3d polylines): A new option has been added to this command called "BOX". This allows you to offset a 3d polyline on both sises and also join the ends together to fox a box (closed joined polyline).
** Enhanced command: GT_XD_SEARCH (GeoTools -> Extended Entity Data -> Search and replace extended entity data) & CP_XD_SEARCH ( CADPower -> Extended Entity Data -> Search and replace extended entity data ): This command now has an option to filter the list of xdata applications that are displayed. You can choose from 'All' or 'User-defined' and accordingly, you will see a list of xdata applications that include all system defined xdata apps or only the user-created ones.
Please be aware that it is not advisbale to change xdata from system-defined applications because AutoCAD and many add-ons rely on them. Please be absolutely sure of your intentions if you are changing xdata.
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