Bangalore, India
Two new commands have been added in GeoTools V 12.19 update released today.
** New command added: GT_SLOPEDISPLAY (GeoTools -> Civil Tools -> Slope Display of TIN triangles):
The GT_SLOPEDISPLAY command is used to color-code TIN triangles (3dfaces or 3dpolylines) as per a range of slope values. A maximum of 5 slope ranges is allowed. The start and end slope values of the range is specified and a color is chosen for each slope range. The slope representation can be done as a solid HATCH fill or a SOLID object fill.
** New command added: GT_EASYEED GeoTools -> Extended Entity Data Tools -> View/Edit extended entity data): The GT_EASYEED command is designed on somewhat similar lines as the Bricscad extended entity data editor. It allows XDATA to be shown in a dialog box and edited easily without having to resort to programming. In the future, this command will be extended to add XDATA as well.
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