Bangalore, India
GeoTools V 12.15 update:
*** New command added: GT_CROSSSECT (GeoTools -> Civil Tools -> Multiple Cross Section Tools):
The GT_CROSSSECT command is a multi-process command that uses several existing GeoTools commands like GT_DRAPEPOLY, GT_SET_Z_PL and GT_PROFILE to perform a series of operations intended to facilitate multiple cross-sectioning across a terrain. This command is still work-in-progress. Nevertheless, it has been added in its current state to enable our existing civil users to get a feel of the command and start giving their feedback. What I have in mind is to eventually either design this tool to include volume computation.
The objective of the GT_CROSSSECT command is to create cross-sectional profiles across the terrain at regular intervals (strips) and to compute the cross-sectional area formed by each strip. This area multiplied by the width of the strip gives the volume of each strip of the terrain. The sum of the volumes of each strip gives the volume of the entire surface.
*** New command added: GT_DELSVP (GeoTools -> Polyline ToolSet 2 -> Delete single vertex polyline): The GT_DELSVP command deletes a single vertex or zero-length polyline from the selected objects. Unlike the GT_0LEN2PNT command which creates a point at every location of a zero-length polyline, this command will delete it from the drawing.
*** New command added: GT_FLIPARCS (GeoTools -> Miscellaneous Tools -> Flip ECS of arcs with negative normals): The GT_FLIPARCS command will reverse the direction of all normals of selected ARCs which are pointing in the negetive WCS direction. Running this command will make the normals positive (in the direction of positive Z axis of WCS).
*** New command added: GT_BEARINGDIST (GeoTools -> Civil Tools -> Bearing and Distance): The GT_BEARINGDIST command will create the bearing angle and distance annotation (as text objects) from one selected point to another.
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