Bangalore, India
Current promotion: GeoTools V14-99$, CADPower-39$. Read more....
The new 2010 interface design by AutoDesk makes it difficult for users to locate third-party add-ons as they do not show up by default in the midst of the clutter of Civil 3D user-interface items.
The GeoTools menu can get lost in the AutoCAD 2010 screen and this post tells you how to retrieve it back.
First, some bakground info: The GeoTools user-interface comprises of the pull-down menu and the toolbar icons (and, of course, the dialog boxes which appear (after you start a command).
The GeoTools pull-down menu attaches itself to the existing AutoCAD pull-down menu bar and the icon menus appear in the display area when GeoTools is first loaded.
Subsequently, the visibility of each icon menu can be controlled from the GeoTools pull- down menu (see GeoTools->Toolbars & Flyouts - below).
This is how GeoTools displays in AutoCAD versions prior to 2010.
Now, in AutoCAD 2010 (and vertical add-ons like Map 3D / Civil 3D 2010), the GeoTools pull-down menu and icons does not appear on the screen upon first load. You have to manually make it visible.
Learn how to do this: Click on the small triangular downward-pointing arrow in the 'Quick Access Toolbar' which can be found next to the menu browser near the top left corner of the screen (the big A, or big C, or big M character).
On this menu, check the item 'Show Menu Bar'. The pull-down menu bar now appears.
Once you get the pull-down menu-bar, you are on familiar territory and can access all GeoTools functions like before. See here.
The screen-shots shown here were taken from Civil 3D 2010, but the concept is the same for all AutoCAD 2010 products like Map 3D 2010, Arcitectural Desktop 2010, MEP and so on.
I am writing this post so that users don't get lost in the 2010 platform looking for their favorite GeoTools functions.
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