Bangalore, India
While using CAD systems like AutoCAD and Bricscad, users can often manage to completely screw up their user-interface - the pull-down menus, icon menus, their layouts, visibility, behaviour etc. The most difficult part is when we unload or remove whole or parts of user-interface sections and do not know how to get it back.
Both AutoCAD and Bricscad provide a Customizable User Interface (CUI) and tools to manage it, but I find the one in Bricscad a lot more simpler, easier and intuitive to use than the one in AutoCAD.
If and when something funny happens to your user-interface, the solution in Bricscad is simple. Type CUSTOMIZE on the command line and you will see a dialog box which looks like this.
Now, the saviour here is the small box you see at the bottom left hand corner "Revert to defaults". Just click on that and your original CUI settings as they existed at the time of installation will be restored. And, I find that bit, much easier here than in AutoCAD.
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